Full scholarships, which are also known as full-ride scholarships, are the most comprehensive form of financial aid available. These scholarships can cover the cost of attending college for three or four years, including tuition and living expenses. By receiving a full scholarship, you can focus on your studies and social life without worrying about financial constraints.

However, it’s important to note that full scholarships are not easy to come by, and they are highly competitive. Despite this, it’s still worth applying for them. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips to increase your chances of receiving one of these highly coveted scholarships.

If you are an Indian student searching for opportunities to study abroad, you will be pleased to know that there are various international scholarships available for Indian students. These scholarships are offered by state-run governments, organizations, and specific universities. The scholarships are categorized according to the type of funding and the desired place of study. If you cannot find a suitable scholarship from the options provided, you can check out our main list of scholarships to study abroad for additional choices. I wish you the best of luck with your applications!

1). Fulbright-Nehru Master’s Fellowships

The Fulbright-Nehru Master’s Fellowships are aimed at energetic individuals who exhibit qualities of initiative, have completed a four-year undergraduate degree, and have at least three years of work experience. This program is designed to provide exceptional Indians the opportunity to pursue a graduate degree in select fields like Environmental Science/Studies, Museum Heritage and Conservation Studies, Urban and Regional Planning, International Legal Studies, Public Administration, and Women’s Studies, which specialize in managing arts and culture. The fellowship is awarded for one to two years and covers both living expenses and educational costs.

2). Edinburgh Napier University Scholarship

The Brilliant India Awards, initiated by Edinburgh Napier University, is a collaborative effort between the British Council and various UK educational institutions. The aim of the award is to provide assistance to outstanding and talented students from India who wish to pursue their education in the UK. These selected students are expected to serve as ambassadors of UK’s advanced education system in India. Recipients of the award receive a reduction in their overall educational expenses.

3). Oxford and Cambridge Society of India (OCSI) Scholarships

We encourage single male professionals and Ph.D. candidates to apply for the Oxford and Cambridge Society of India Scholarship. The program aims to provide financial assistance to Indian undergraduates who wish to pursue higher education at Oxford or Cambridge. The scholarship amount varies and the maximum age limit for eligibility is 30 years.

4). Melbourne – India Postgraduate Scholarship

Indian undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a full-time postgraduate degree at the University of Melbourne can apply for the International PG Scholarship program. The scholarship covers subjects such as Engineering, Architecture, Business, Mathematics, Law, and Humanities. 

The University of Melbourne is the highest-ranked university in Australia and has collaborated with India to establish a beneficial relationship between the two nations. The aim is to provide the best possible education to the younger generation. Students are encouraged to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

5). Orange Tulip Scholarships for Indian Students

This grant is specifically designed to assist capable Indian students in pursuing graduate or undergraduate programs in the Netherlands. It is supported by government foundations, higher education institutions, and multinational corporations. It’s important to note that not all Dutch universities offer the OTS grant. While some universities may offer a 100% tuition fee grant, others may offer only a 50% reduction or a 25% reduction. There are also some schools that cover visa fees or provide financial assistance for daily living expenses. It’s always advisable to check individual university guidelines when applying for a grant.

6). Saltire Scholarships for Indian Students

Students looking to study in the Netherlands can apply for the Saltire Scholarship, which provides financial aid. This scholarship is offered by the Scottish government in collaboration with Scottish colleges and offers grants worth £8000 to Indian students. The grant covers the one-year tuition fee of a full-time postgraduate course, and 50 students benefit from this scheme every year.

The scholarship is specifically designed for students from India, Canada, China, the USA, Pakistan, and Japan who are interested in pursuing a master’s degree in various fields such as creative industries, science, technology, sustainable and clean energy, and healthcare and medical sciences.

The aim of the scholarship is to promote Scotland as an academic destination, and those who are awarded the scholarship are expected to act as ambassadors for both the scholarship and the country. Only those who have previously been granted provisional or unconditional acceptance from Scottish universities can apply for the grant.

7). Campus France Charpak Scholarships

Indian undergraduate students who wish to pursue a specialized program at this college may apply for funding if they plan to study in France. The funding includes two different scholarships based on merit, and only applicants who are 30 years old or younger can apply. The first scholarship is the Charpak AME Scholarship (Allocation Mensuelle d’Entretien), which provides a living stipend of up to 700 euros, along with a fee waiver of up to 5000 euros, and a waiver for the student visa and France campus fee. The second scholarship is the Charpak BCS (Bourse de Couverture Sociale), which includes a waiver for the student visa and France campus fee, along with social security benefits and assistance in finding affordable accommodation. Additionally, they also offer a mobility prize that covers an economy class one-way ticket from India to France, as well as a cancellation of the Campus France fee and student visa.

8). Chinese Government Scholarship

International undergraduate students are invited to apply for the Chinese Government Scholarship for the academic year 2018-2019. The application process is entirely online. Interested applicants must complete the online CSC scholarship application form and apply directly to a Chinese university offering a degree program. The scholarship program is available for Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degree programs at any Chinese university or college.

9). University of Calgary Graduate Award

The University of Calgary is a widely recognized choice for international students due to its vast array of grants available across various fields and levels of study. They offer different grants and bursaries to global students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance, starting from high school level up to doctoral programs. To find a grant or financial aid program that meets your needs, you can visit their website and check the grants available for your desired program. Additionally, you can also verify if you meet their eligibility criteria on their website.